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Identifying companies and technologies that will shape the future of health and medicine. 

OneMedMarket LLC is a New York-based life science and healthcare research and investor communications firm providing business development services to emerging growth companies and identifying investment opportunities for healthcare investors.


Conferences. OneMedForum showcases promising companies at conferences in San Francisco, New York, Shanghai, Davos and other cities around the globe. 


Research. OneMedResearch provides research on investment opportunities in private and public companies in various healthcare sectors.


Investment Search. The company offers investment search services to investors seeking insight on emerging companies and breakthrough technologies.


Media. OneMedMedia provides communications services to companies via the OneMed Sentinel, OneMedNews, OneMedTV and OneMedRadio.


Liquidity. OneMedMarket is currently developing a secondary market to provide liquidity for shareholders of private healthcare and life science companies.

Reg A Portal. OneMed team is developing a leading educational source for CEOs, CFOs, and Board of Directors contemplating Regulation A+ as a financing strategy.

OneMedMarket LLC hosted 10th Annual OneMedForum 2017 Conference in San Francisco, CA

OneMedMarket identifies the most promising investment opportunities in healthcare, including:


   >>  Medical Devices

   >>  Biotechnology

   >>  Consumer & Digital Health

   >>  Diagnostics

   >>  Personalized Medicine

   >>  Healthcare Services

   >>  Health Information 

OneMedMarket is the anchor sponsor of OneMedForum in San Francisco, CA.


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