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11th Annual OneMedForum: Jan 21-25 Davos Switzerland

Sessions to address global health challenges to during World Economic Forum

The 11th Annual OneMedForum will be held in Klosters/Davos, Switzerland on January 21-25 during the World Economic Forum. The OneMedForum will focus on some of the most significant global health issues and present innovations addressing such concerns.

The World Economic Forum is an annual gathering that attracts business, finance, and political leaders from around the world. Like 11 years ago when OneMedForum created the first satellite conference for small growth companies during JP Morgan week in San Francisco,  Klosters/Davos is an opportunity to reach global and impact investors who gather for WEF.  Topics addressed at the forum:

  • Obesity/Diabetes

  • Alzheimer’s/Dementia

  • Cancer/Immunotherapy

  • Blockchain and Portable Health Records

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Healthcare

One important objective is to provide an annual report on progress in each area which will be included in a Guide for Impact Investors which will be distributed at the forum and to philanthropic and impact investors throughout the world.

Follow-up sessions focused on each of the areas will be held at conferences in New York in April and in San Francisco and Shanghai later in the year. Updated Guides will be distributed that will include listings of all available investment opportunities in each area.

All companies active in these areas and interested in appearing in these focused Investment Guides should contact Bob Trehy for details at

For information or to apply to attend our upcoming Forums: 


This event is focused on connecting impact investors with select growth companies that present best impact investment opportunities in healthcare.

Contact us for more information at



If you are an active impact investors and would like to receive a copy of on Guide for Impact Investors complete our short survey

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