Public Company Research: Undervalued Microcaps
The objective of our research process is to identify the most undervalued microcap companies in healthcare and life sciences. We use our knowledge network in a two phase process to determine the companies to invite to the conference where we conduct a third due diligence phase to select those we believe are most undervalued. Our three-phase process:
Survey of Industry experts and analysts, institutional investors for recommendations on companies with promise. Where is the smart money looking?
Analysis of the underlying technology/science and market needs by scientific and clinical advisors. What do those closest to the clinical/market need think of the core science or technology?
Review by OneMed Investment Network members at the OneMedForum. Which of these companies have what it takes to build a successful company and understand how to maximize return to shareholders?
Investors can gain access to truly promising and often undiscovered companies at a point when they are positioned for outsized returns. We focus on companies that are fundamentally sound, undervalued and are buy and hold opportunities.
If you are an active institutional investor interested in receiving information about our undervalued report complete our short survey to receive additional information about our research process, conference, and our published research.