Event Recap: Pilot Day 2014
*Image by NYCEDC
On June 26th, the Alexandria Center for Life Science was booming with eleven of New York City’s most innovative early-stage companies in healthcare technology. The event, Pilot Day 2014 showcased the winners of this year’s Pilot Health Tech funding program, sponsored by NYCEDC and Health 2.0. Each company was partnered with key NYC healthcare service organizations and stakeholder “hosts” and received $100,000 for their pilot projects.
Before an audience of 250 leaders in healthcare, social services and technology, a representative from each company gave a 5-10 minute pitch about their novel product. The wide-eyed audience eagerly watched as presentations were given on topics ranging from “smart” houses to mobile breathing devices and medical translation applications. The event ended with a hors d’oeuvres and cocktail reception. With a wonderful view of the East River, the room was abuzz with introductions, mingling and conversations about the various medical technologies. The combination of intellectual discussions and friendly conversations created a pleasant end to a wonderful and informative event.
Congratulations to all of the winning companies!